K'irukhe the Dreamwalker

  NAME.  K'irukhe the Dreamwalker / Ki
  ALIASES.  Fawn of Moonglade, Lily of Ardenweald, Emerald Sprout
  AGE.  10. 000 ~
  RACE.  Kaldorei, Dryad, Night Fae
  CLASS.  Druid of the Moon / Antler
  PROFESSION.  Herbalist
  GENDER.  Genderfluid (He/She/They/It)
  SEXUALITY.  Polysexual / Polygamous
  LOCATION.  Amirdrassil, Val'Sharah, Ardenweald


"I have lived through many ages, through the eyes of
salmon, deer, and wolf"


  TEMPERAMENT.  Sanguine
  ALIGNMENT.  Chaotic Good
  FACTION.  Alliance, incredibly hostile to Horde
  AFFILATION.  The Cenarion Circle, Guardians of Hyjal, The Dreamweavers, Winter Court
  HOBBIES.  As a fae in nature, K'irukhe greatly enjoys games and tricks, often prancing around the woods trying to fool the mortals.


  HEIGHT.  6 ft / 184 cm - tall enough to tower over Humans, but a bit tiny for a Night Elf.
  HAIR.  Endless, translucent, it slowly grows from teals & purples to cosmic blues. Full of secrets, leaves - and critters!
  EYES.  Dreamer greens, sparkling with mischief.
  BODY TYPE.  Petite, curvy & flat-chested with a soft tummy no matter the gender presenting.
  OTHER.  Forever changed by the nature of Emerald Dream, K’irukhe spents each time of year spotting a new coat. A child of forest, Ki will change her appearance according to each new environment.


history & more

Fawn of Moonglade, Lily of Ardenweald, Emerald Sprout - Ki is known by many names. Ever-changing by the Emerald Dream, they resemble a child of Malorne as much as a child of Elune. Whenever she goes, critters follow them, as if she was their own mother. Once emerged from the deep forests of Kalimdor, she’d be seen prancing around trying to fool the mortals with games and tricks of her own - harmless in some ways, and deadly to others.Fae in nature, Ki is open and flirty, though hopelessly devoted to his betrothed. Bound by strings of Life & Death, K’irukhe and Velkrath Clein of the Ebon Blade walk hand by hand - wherever a doe steps, lupine’s dark shadow follows, ready to devour anythings on it’s sight. A relationship complicated by a servant of Light, Xanara the Seeker, who sworn to protect the virtue of her fair maiden.Although ever so playful & forgetful, K’irukhe is spiteful & vindictive when it comes to their prey - be it the mere mortals of the Horde who dare to trespass Kaldorei borders, or cosmic invaders ready to hurt Nature, she’d haunt them down with the exceptional malice. With a single branch taken from G'Hanir, the Mother Tree, Ki spots a lantern to attract and guide the lost souls of the forest.A near immortal being, Ki would go through thousands of years without a care in the world, forgetting each partner to share bread or bed after years passing, falling back into slumber each time. Her lover’s demise was a wake up call - and his unholy ressurection a first purpose in a life without any. Now he ventures the lands of Azeroth & beyond to find a cure for the curse of Undead, uncovering the teachings of Druidism from all realms. But fawn's life is on hold - for she's nothing but a sprout of a World Tree, doomed to fall into slumber once again, and grow - this time, for eternity. HOOKS. Frequently Found In: Emerald Dream, Amirdrassil, Ardenweald, Val'sharah, MoongladeYou Might Know My Character If...:

  • - You were a Druid or a mortal who happened to find themselves in the Emerald Dream.

  • - You ever ventured deep into the woods of Kalimdor for the past 10k years.

  • - You met a glowing deer during the War of Thorns, helping fight back against the invaders.

  • - Your character is pledged to Ardenweald, meeting neither a Night Elf nor a Sylvari in Queen's Conservatory.

  • - You helped to protect Amirdrassil, the Crown of Harmony, and then celebrate in Bel'ameth.


Once upon a time, there was a maiden with skin deep as the night sky, and hair fair as a fresh snow. Fel'sael was her name, and Moonsong was her calling, for she was drawn to Elune like a moth to a flame, playing songs on her lyre every night, finding comfort under the branches of a Great Bough. Days passed, then weeks, and months, and years, and not once maiden thought to find the company of a kindred soul, as Mother Moon's light was bright enough - until, on a lonely night, a new voice would join her lullabys, for in the roots of a Mother Tree there breathed a life. A life so ancient & wicked, it's very name itself was long forgotten by the Moon Children, ████████
In her infancy and innocence, Fel'sael fell to wisdoms and charms of someone she thought to be the soul of a Great Tree itself, unjustly trapped in it's roots. First, wise mentor, then, a sound friend, and, at last, a tender lover - love bloomed and grew with age, and two souls longed to reunite with each other through any means possible. "A single apple fruit", said the tree, it's branches swaying under wind, - "to grow a seed of freedom", and so the maiden took a bite, and a seed was planted indeed, for she beared a child - twins, two kindred souls, just like they were, and they were united at last.
Nine moons have passed, and then more, and Children of Dreams & Stars were born, and grove was their cradle, and moonlight their baptism. And maiden joined hands and bodies with ████████, and happy they were, but, lo, for the great calamity fell upon the lands of Kalimdor, and a rain of green fire burnt the grove, and a husband beast in elven skin - nightmare incarnate, decieved the maiden thee. Her eyes stung with tears, her hands pulled the strings, and they were of lyre no more, but a bow, and an arrow struck the Red Bull as maiden sung to Mother Moon.
Fel'sael wept, as branches swept, as fire fell, as waters took her love away, and empy was the cardle.

 K'irukhe the Dreamwalker. Sappling of the Emerald Dream, K'irukhe is an ever-changing joyful spirit of the wood, bound by the eternal strings to his betrothed. Once having tasted the bitter taste of death, this immortal nymph tries to find the cure for her beloved, no matter how far that may take them. Velkrath Clein . Unholy creation of undeath, Velkrath was cursed twice - first by the teeth of a wolf, then by the hand of a Lich King. Cold and merthiless, this beast was made to tear apart any breathing soul, except for his beloved - and he will make sure that the fawn lives long enough to spend the eternity with him. Xanara the Seeker. An alien soul to the lands of Azeroth, Xanara is a knight in shining armour who swore to protect a fair lady from a terrible beast. Fallen in love with a princess from the woods, she seeks redemption from the sins of her past. Xanara made peace with her deamons, but could the same be said for her loved ones? Fel'Sael Moonsong. A jaded and zealot Priestess of Elune roaming for years through ancient lands of Kaldorei Empire, now but mere ruins covered in moss and loss. Like a vengeful spirit, she hunts and slays any tresspasser with her moon as both bow and glaives. Fel'sael once lost everything, and she'll never show weakness again. Itramill Starheart. Once a bearer of Satyr red blood, Itramill now spots silver mane of a stag, his antlers branching towards the stars. Winter to his sister spring, with a sword of pure moonlight by his side, and a blessing of Malorne in his crown, he ventures forward, away from the fleeting memories of the past and towards justice. The Red Bull. The Root of all Evil, Emerald Nightmare incarnate, Crimson Beast of Many Names once ruled and haunted the Emerald Lands, until he was struck twice - first, by the goddess, and then, by a mere mortal. It is said that his third death would bring forth Ragnarök - alas, nothing but a single branch was left in the Legion's fire, but legends tell of a wee little buck with crimson eyes and quick tongue to grant a wish - for a fair price.


 Classic. Worgen hunter Velkrath Clein strikes a playful doe, revealed to be a Night Elf Druid K'irukhe. Quickly enamored by her whims, they set to adventures. The Burning Crusade . As the pair cointued to hunt together, their love bloomed deeper and deeper with each day. Though Velkrath's days are counted, K'irukhe pays no mind to it, as they promise to wed each other. Wrath of the Lich King. Velkrath is killed, closing K'irukhe with his own body, in the cold lands of Northrend. Faced, for once, with the guise of human mortality, Ki is striken with grief. Her gried turns into despair as her betrothed turns up once again, this time risen as a Knight of the Ebon Blade. Cataclysm. Bit by bit, K'irukhe helps Velkrath to recollect his memories, but they bot understand their relationship would never be the same again. Mists of Pandaria. K'irukhe sets herself on the path of becoming a healer who would never let anyone die again. She starts to search for the cure of undead, whenever it may be. Warlords of Draenor. K'irukhe spends time in a slumber for some years, while Velkrath waits. Legion. K'irukhe obtains the branch of G'Hanir, the Mother Tree, uncovering her true potential. Together with Velkrath, they settle in Val'sharah and dive in headfirst fighting back the invasion of Burning Crusade. They meet Xanara, the Draenei Paladin, quickly befriending her. Battle for Azeroth. While K'irukhe grieves the loss of her homeland, Xanara loses her head in a battle - Velkrath bringing her back as undead. All three shaken by the burdens, they lose themselves in fighting a war. Shadowlands. Velkrath suffers a great injury trying to protect Highlord Bolvar Fordragon against Sylvanas Windrunner among the other knights. They descent into Shadowlands, and, while Velkrath licks his wounds, Xanara accompanies K'irukhe in her journey to Ardenweald. Things get complicated when they fall in love. Dragonflight. K'irukhe finds a way to "cure" Velkrath - by binding herself to him and eternally tying them up together, restoring the wolf from his scars. As she gains a mark both on her body and soul, she falls into a slumber for seven years, awakening only by the call of help from the Emerald Dream.


  • - In this story, K'irukhe is a willow maid, a dryad, a nymph who was never meant to leave forest, as that single act of a hunter taking her away would curse her for eternity. She then transforms into Kore/Persephone, with her betrothed, now a Death Knight, acting as both Hades and Cerberus, with Ki descending into underworld to find a cure for her undead beloved as an act of "Abduction of Persephone". Her ritual to tie their fates together is an allegory for red string of fate, and food of the dead, for she consumes "pomegranate seed" by the act of putting a seed of Life inside her womb, growth rings on her belly marking a future World Tree.

  • - Where Velkrath is a dragon to capture the princess, Xanara is the knight striving to protect her.

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